Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I wanted to address alternative energy sources, given the many problems in the world today with pollution due to using fossil fuels and our country's dependence on foreign oil. I am very interested in the environment, particularly because there is a lot of air pollution in southern Indiana where I reside, due in part to all of the coal-burning power plants. I keep asking myself...Isn't there a better way?? Although I am not deluding myself into thinking that we can immediately switch over completely from coal and other fossil fuels to wind power, solar power, etc., I do think we can do a lot more to explore other options and press for a change. Why are we not showing our utility companies that we want them to invest more in other sources?? We need to demand more renewable and clean sources and perhaps pay a bit more, before our utilities will want to come around. If we want cheap coal power, for instance, our utilities will continue to deliver the same. It is up to us to push for a change. I thought this would be a great forum for exploring other options. Thanks for visiting and please share your thoughts with me!


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