Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I saw an AP headline this morning in the Evansville Courier & Press entitled, "Oil falls as supply threats ease." The article said that "[t]he likelihood of finding $2-a-gallon gasoline in some parts of the U.S. is increasing by the day." According to the article, the dropping prices reflect a decreasing concern over supply threats. To me, the dropping gas prices are good news and bad news. On the good side, oil companies seem to make a killing when gas prices are high, at the detriment of people needing to pay the high prices just to get to work. Meanwhile, on the negative side, how are people going to learn to conserve and express interest in alternative energy if gas prices always seem to come down? Are people really going to want the hybrid when they can buy a gas-guzzling SUV without being penalized with high gas prices? I see so many huge SUVs with bumper stickers saying "Proud to be an American" or something to that effect; yet isn't it somewhat bad for America for people to be driving vehicles so dependent on gallons and gallons of foreign oil? I saw a Ford Excursion today with a license plate with "Environment" at the bottom--you can purchase license plates saying "Education" or "Environment" among other types. It seemed a little ironic to me, given that a gas guzzling Excursion is hardly doing anything for the environment or decreasing our dependence on fossile fuels. I think that if we really want to get away from our dependence on the gas tank, we need to stop being excited about dropping gas prices just so we can fill up our huge vehicles that get 12 miles to a gallon.


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