Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I read an e-mail from an individual named Steve Miller, who is with some organization called Americans for Balanced Energy Choices, I believe. His e-mail was an effort to mobilize the public in favor of a less stringent rule to reduce mercury pollution, than that proposed by an organization called the Hoosier Environmental Council (HEC). He claims that the HEC proposal, which advocates a 90% mercury reduction, will be too expensive for consumers, with utility bills jumping up 16%. This is not what I understand to be true from the HEC. He also states that if we adopt this radical rule, all of the businesses will relocate from Indiana to other states. Really? If this is so, then why aren't businesses from other states where tough mercury rules are proposed, like Illinois, fleeing to Indiana, with our lax pollution rules and cheap power? California businesses must all be leaving the state or going under given California's tough environmental laws, right? The problem is that neither scenario is occuring. Businesses aren't all clamoring to get into the cheap power state from neighboring states and California businesses are doing just fine. Actually, better than fine, given that so many new ventures are hitting the alternative energy market while the iron is hot. If things continue as they are in Indiana, it seems that we'll be able to keep all of the highly polluting industries that want loose environmental restrictions, while keeping the alternative energy ventures and cleaner businesses away. I guess if we want a monopoly on dirty businesses then Mr. Miller is really on to something. Instead of cornfields, people can think of smokestacks when discussing Indiana. Is this really what Indiana wants to be known for? Where does the term "balanced" fit into that image?


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