Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I was glad to read that the EPA is currently requesting proposals to fund projects/activities that further the Methane to Markets Partnership, which is an international initiative to lower methane emissions globally. The partnership promotes the capturing and use of methane from operations such as the oil and gas sectors, coal mining, landfills and animal waste from agriculture. The EPA expects to award up to 20 cooperative agreements, with the total amount awarded being $2.5 million. Each award will be between $25,000.00 and $300,000.00 and can be granted to other countries as well as public and non-profit organizations.

Given that we are inevitably creating methane when we manage garbage, agricultural waste, and use fossil fuels, it seems that the least we can do is capture the methane and use it for energy. Otherwise, we are not only polluting the land with our activities but also, we are polluting the air by releasing tremendous amounts of methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. It seems ironic that in our desperate quest for new sources of energy, we often ignore an energy source that is literally right under our nose. Hopefully, more countries and organizations will see this action on the part of the EPA as an opportunity to jump on the methane bandwagon and put this often wasted energy source to good use.


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