Alternative Energy

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

I was reading Newsweek and saw an article about hydrogen vehicles. The article called, "Step on the, Er, Gas," notes that hydrogen has a negative connotation because people associate it with the Hindenburg disaster. As the article notes, the Hindenburg's downfall was likely caused by its "flammable powdered-aluminum coating." Hydrogen is actually safer to use than gasoline, notes the article, and there is one company banking on hydrogen's bright future: Honda. In 2008, Honda will unveil the hydrogen fuel-cell hybrid FCX. The article explains how the vehicle works: The car's hydrogen "is used to create power for an electric motor." The vehicle is said to accelerate and brake well and steers great. The only real noticeable difference during the writer's test drive was the silence associated with the vehicle, which many drivers would welcome. As mentioned in prior blogs, you really can't beat hydrogen from an earth-friendly emissions standpoint, since its only by-product is water. Until this vehicle is available, residents in New York and California can purchase a Honda Civic that runs on clean-burning natural gas. The latter vehicle will run a little over $25,000, while the hydrogen vehicle's price has not yet been released. $25,000+ is a little steep for a Honda Civic, but I would think that prices of these vehicles would come down as they gain popularity. I would, of course, prefer the hydrogen vehicle to one running on a fossil fuel, albeit a fairly clean one. I hope others are as excited about this prospect as I am. Judging from the cool look of this vehicle (somewhat futuristic in design and very sleek), I would guess that it will be a hit. I wonder if Leonardo DiCaprio has reserved one yet?


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