Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I was thinking about President Bush's speech tomorrow night and have heard that he plans to revisit the whole addiction to oil theme he raised a year or so ago. One article I read in the Evansville Courier & Press noted that President Bush will probably give lip service to the whole alternative energy concept, by stating we need more ethanol and nuclear power. Yet, President Bush has actually cut back funding for alternative energy development in the past few years. In addition, he opposes mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions and he took a weak stance as to gas mileage requirements for vehicles. Can he really be serious about decreasing our dependence on foreign oil when he is opposed to limits on greenhouse gas emissions created in part by oil refineries and against requiring improvements for gas mileage in gas guzzling vehicles? In addition, how will alternative energy take off in this country if funding for research into these sources is cut off or limited? As much as some of us want to believe that President Bush can separate his conduct as leader of our nation from his private interests in the oil industry, it is becoming increasingly harder to feel this way. It is high time that we force the hand of automakers to make more fuel efficient vehicles. In addition, we must properly fund research into hydrogen and other alternative sources to run our vehicles. Further, we must take radical measures against climate change and not the wait-and-see approach that our leader seems to be advocating. He can talk all he wants about reducing our addiction to oil, yet his support of the oil industry and refusal to fully focus on alternative energy shows how he really feels.


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