Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Alternative Energy

As much as I start thinking that more and more people are caring about conserving energy and resources, sometimes I read articles that show otherwise. For instance, I was reading an article in the Evansville Courier & Press about plastic disposable containers. I expected that the article would contain some caveat to the ease and convenience that these containers have provided us, such as the incredible waste they produce when people simply toss them away after one or two uses or the additional energy that must go in to producing more and more of these containers. Yet, the article did not speak of any such downsides. Rather, the article seemed to be advocating this practice. Instead of actually caring about more expensive Tupperware, plastic container prices have gone down so much that people don't care if they get lost. Also, there's no sense in washing them per the people interviewed for the article, since they can just be thrown away and cheapy replaced. It's really depressing that people are too lazy in this day and age to wash out a container. Is this really the kind of mind-set that we want to encourage our next generation to have? I have to admit that I sometimes use more plastic bags than I should, but I still try to re-use them. With plastic containers, you can at least recycle them when they wear out. Yet, this takes the huge effort of washing the thing out and sticking it in the recycling bin--at least that's the way the article would probably portray it.


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