Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I read an article in the Evansville Courier & Press today entitled, "Energy bill runs out of steam." The article noted that a vote on a new energy bill has been postponed. The bill would require utilities to utilize more wind power, solar power and other renewables. Proponents of the bill indicated that this requirement is just what our nation needs to combat global warming and to become less dependent on fossil fuels, while opponents claim that the bill's mandate would be not be feasible for states in the South. This made me wonder, doesn't the South generally have an abundance of sun that could be used for solar power? Another question I had was whether the mandate would count methane use for the 15% use of renewables by 2020. if so, everyone has landfills and tons of trash, right? Where there is trash, there is a source of power via methane. In any event, the bill is at a standstill for now and may continue to be up until the Fourth of July recess for Congress. I guess measures to help combat global warming and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels are not as crucial to many as barbecues and fireworks. The war in Iraq continues without a Fourth of July holiday and the Middle East is in many ways falling to pieces, putting our oil consumption that much more in jeopardy. Isn't it ironic that we are in a way acting against our country's best interests by allowing Congress to take a recess and avoid facing up to energy concerns, while Congressional members wave their American flags and otherwise celebrate our nation's independence?


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