Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Business 2.0 had an interesting article in October's issue about EEstor, a Texas company that claims it can power a vehicle 500 miles for $9.00. The company is developing an energy storage device "that could finally give the internal combustion engine a run for its money...." The "energy storage device" is not really a battery, because there are no chemicals or hazardous materials. However, it functions like a battery in that it charges and stores electricity in about 5 minutes. It supposedly powers a car for about 45 cents/gallon. Apparently, this device is no wimp, in that it gives cars A LOT of power. The EEstor-powered engine costs a little more than a traditional one and replaces the gas tank, exhaust system and drivetrain. This electric car concept is really interesting. However, I still have some questions. Aren't you then encouraging even more fossil fuel reliance by burning say, coal to make the electricity to charge the energy storage device? Exactly how much electricity are you using to charge the device for 5 minutes? It sounds great to get away from gasoline, but wouldn't a hydrogen or other alternative fuel vehicle be a better option environmentally and as a way of freeing ourselves from dirty fossil fuels?? I like the notion of this, but I'm still concerned that it does not really fit into the realm of alternative energy, since you need to plug the device in. I wonder if it could be charged with a solar panel? Then, I'd really be excited about this.


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