Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

There was an editorial in the Evansville Courier & Press yesterday regarding alternative energy. The editorial pertained to the increasing population in the world and China's rapidly increasing need for more energy. With its booming economy, China will be competing with the U.S. for the world's energy supply. The editorial noted that we should work with other countries to develop alternative energy sources so that we can have more energy security in the future.

Although the editorial made a really good point, it didn't really go into how alternative energy sources should be developed. It seems that the U.S. really isn't in much of a position to dictate how China should handle its energy issues, since we are using much of the world's resources and burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate to satisfy our energy needs. In other words, we aren't setting the best example for China or India or any growing economy to follow. In addition, whether the war in Iraq was motivated by concerns for oil or not, we are giving the impression to many parts of the world that we will resort to military action to secure the oil we rely upon so much. Unlike other nations that can be somewhat isolationist, the U.S. can never withdraw into its own shell and hide from other nations, even if it is able to satisfy its energy needs fully with its own resources. However, it would be great if we could be less reliant on volatile countries in the Middle East to fuel our vehicles, airplanes, etc. Perhaps we could then send the message to the rest of the world that there is not an ulterior motive behind our military intervention.


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