Alternative Energy

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

As I was watching Good Morning America this morning, there was a discussion of global warming. Apparently, a group of 500 scientists will be meeting in Paris in the near future to announce their findings as to how imminent global warming's ramfications truly are. The frightening part of it is that these scientists see major changes occurring not in 100 years but rather, in as soon as 10 years. This includes more violent storms, worse heatwaves and droughts, and more areas of the world becoming flooded. Indonesia could have as many as 2,000 of its islands submerged in water in the coming years. Another segment on the show discussed how Henry Waxman is pursuing through Congress, whether the Bush Administration undermined scientists' efforts to get the word out to the public regarding global warming. To me, that seems pretty evident, given the number of Americans who still think global warming is open to huge debate and that it may not even exist. One local weatherman expressed those very views a week or so ago. I was astounded that anyone forecasting the weather, and who is supposed to possess more knowledge than the general public on weather and climate issues, would be so ignorant. This fabricated controversy is simply a red herring, to divert the public from this huge threat. As many in the Bush Administration and in large industries greatly fear, if global warming and climate change are settled matters in terms of their legitimacy and true existence, we might actually have to take radical measures to try to avoid that grim outcome. While I don't claim to know what goes on behind closed doors at the White House, one has to wonder how serious an administration is with regard to these threats, when the terms "global warming" were mentioned and then moved away from in about 3 seconds during the recent State of the Union address.

You know things are bad when scientists are looking for ways to throw giant mirrors into space, to try and deflect the sun's rays away from the earth and thereby, reduce the earth's temperature. It sounds like the SciFi channel, but it was discussed on ABC. What's even more frightening is that I can see certain people grasping on to this mirror research and thinking that it's the magic cure to global warming. The problem is that by the time this mirror technology were perfected (if ever), we'd probably already be in a climate change nightmare. If the mirrors failed, then we might have missed all of our chances to avert global warming.


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