Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I was reading about how Shell and BP are investing more and more in wind power. They are also, to a lesser extent, investing in solar power. I was kicking myself a bit for still not diving into this market through investments. Although the big companies are starting to see the potential of alternative energy, or at least see these modes of producing energy as good PR with global warming becoming a key issue, there are still many, many small companies investing in wind power and solar power, as well. Some are small start-ups that have not yet gone public. Yet, others have gone public or on the verge of doing so. Now seems like the prime time to buy the stock of some of these companies. A bit risky, perhaps, since some of the wind and solar technology may never pan out or be profitable, but isn't this what investing is all about? In my mind, investing in alternative energy could be a win-win situation; the investor may make money on his/her investment and the market for cleaner power gets a boost, such that government subsidies may be less necessary. If there were an investment class on green power stocks, I would sign up right away. Or are there such classes already? If so, let me know so I can be in line for them.


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