Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I was reading a college student's editorial on line where he claimed that the Toyota Prius is less environmentally friendly and actually uses more energy (when you consider all the phases of production) than the Hummer. I found this claim very hard to believe. However, if his data has any veracity, then some of it could make sense. He states that one of the biggest problems with the Prius is one of its touted attributes as a hybrid vehicle: its battery. He notes that the battery contains nickel which is mined and smelted in Sudbury, Ontario, a huge emitter of sulfur dioxide. More importantly he notes that this plant has a history of pronounced environmental problems and that the area surrounding the mine is devoid of life. Further, he focuses on the chain that the battery process takes; the nickel is shipped to a nickel refinery in Europe, then to China for production of nickel foam, then to Japan and then to the U.S. as a finished battery. I could see based on this (assuming these facts are accurate) that a great deal of energy is used just to produce the battery. But does this make the Prius a loser compared to the mass of metal, gas guzzling Hummer?? I'm not so sure. It's a good thing that the author does not advocate buying a Hummer as the answer to those disenchanted with the Prius. Rather, he suggest buying a non-hybrid but fuel-efficient vehicle like the Scion or the Aveo. If his facts are accurate, perhaps he is right about these other options.


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