Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I was watching Good Morning America and saw Victoria Principal being interviewed. I knew that she was an actress and had a billion-dollar skincare business, but I wasn't aware that she was planning on going into space on Virgin Atlantic's first civilian spacecraft. I didn't realize that Virgin Atlantic was sending people up into space in the next couple of years. I was thinking about Richard Branson's commitment to fighting global warming and wondered how a civilian space mission fits into that profile. It seems like a big waste of fossil fuels to send civilians up on a vacation-type excursion to outer space. If this trend continues, how can we say we are serious about combating global warming? Yet, if the money from this journey is being used for alternative-fuel type research or other strategies for minimizing the use of fossil fuels for aircraft, I suppose there might be some cancelling out of the bad with the good. I don't like to knock Richard Branson, because I think he is serious about helping the world do something about global warming, but I hope that he won't undermine his noble efforts by creating a whole new slew of rich space travelers who journey to space for nothing more than a vacation.


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