Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I was reading an article in Newsweek about how our use of vehicles has changed over the years. The article entitled, 'A Long & Winding Road' by Keith Naughton, notes that the average American consumes 33 meals per year in his car. In addition, one-quarter of restaurant meals are ordered by car now. This was a troubling statistic to me, since we know that cars running in drive-throughs, especially in the summertime, result in a lot of our ozone and particulate matter problems. Yet, we also have to think of the bigger picture of how much gasoline we are wasting by this practice. I will be the first to admit that I sometimes prefer the drive-thru when I have kids in the car. Yet, I've noticed many people in drive-thru lines at Starbucks or even the bank, simply because they don't feel like walking inside. Given that you can now pick up prescriptions, meals, coffee and perform banking and dry-cleaning while your engine is running, we may be hastening the wasteful erosion of our gasoline supply more and more these days. Although no one can argue with the convenience of these windows, perhaps it is time for people to actually walk inside on occasion, to get what they need. This would help with the pollution and the needless waste of gasoline while idling in line.


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