Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I was reading an article in Newsweek entitled, "What Lies Beneath." The article discusses generating energy via underwater turbines in Florida. As it is now, Florida imports almost all of its electrical power and is surprisingly, not a good spot for wind turbines or even solar power (at least so the article says). The turbines would operate in The Gulf Stream, which is as strong as "all of the rivers in the world...multiplied by 30...." This measure could add thousands of jobs in Florida and save the state billions in electricity costs. In my opinion, this is a really good example of how one size does not fit all in terms of alternative energy. It seems very smart for Florida to capitalize on its strengths, such as water current speed, and translate that into electric power for the state. I would imagine that this would be a clean source of power, such as wind turbines, and of course, renewable. It sure beats importing coal generated power from other states and may end up easing the need for more coal-fired power plants in other parts of the country. It makes me wonder...Couldn't Texas, which is also surrounded by a lot of water, try something similar? At least it might be worth investigating before the state builds all of those new coal-fired power plants.


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