Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I watched a story on ABC's World News Tonight last night, about the fate of incandescent light bulbs. The story noted that Phillips, one of the largest manufacturers of these light bulbs, plans to switch to fluorescent bulbs. The reason is that the fluorescent bulbs are much more energy efficient, whereas the incandescent bulbs generate mostly heat and waste a great deal of energy when lit. The Phillips executive featured in the story noted that doing away with incandescent bulbs was akin to retiring a first born child. He said that this move was necessary and that its time has come. As I stated in an earlier blog, other nations such as Australia are banning incandescent bulbs. Stores in the U.S., such as Walmart, have already switched all of their bulbs to fluorescent bulbs, mainly because it is such a cost-saving feature. I would imagine that many more retailers in this country would follow suit. Even if our own country will not mandate that fluorescent bulbs become the norm, this seems to be the way our country is moving, as the manufacturers of the bulbs and many major users of bulbs go in this direction.


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