Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I was reading the Evansville Courier & Press this morning when I stumbled upon an article regarding "panda poop." I really couldn't believe what I read, which is that China is looking into converting panda poop into fine quality paper. Then I noticed a reference to the fact that Thailand has already done just this, using elephant excrement. This seems like such an amazing idea, in that this would seem to preserve wildlife in Asian countries, since animal poop suddenly has market value. No longer would poachers need to kill an elephant for its tusk, when they could simply wait for it to poop and then sell that for a profit. Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but I am still really taken with this idea. In addition, we all know that Asian hardwoods are often consumed at such a rapid pace that forests are threatened. If animal poop can be the new source for paper, perhaps a few trees will be spared. This concept really gives new meaning to renewable energy.


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