Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I noticed at a gas station outside Chicago--a Marathon, I believe--that E 10 was being used. The pumps said that the gas may be mixed with 10% ethanol. From what I have read, even E 15 does not require modifications to regular vehicles. So, with gas prices being as high as they are, why aren't more stations mixing small amounts of ethanol into the pumps? We didn't save any money as far as I could tell, but it at least sounds like one way to gradually whittle away at our gas consumption and reliance on foreign oil. Ethanol has its problems, but at the rate at which ethanol plants are being built, there has to be some market for it. I guess we will see if E 10 or E 15 pumps become the norm. Maybe they already are and I just haven't noticed this trend.


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