Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I was reading an article in the Economist entitled, "Waking up and catching up." It discusses America's new embracing of environmentalism, as reflected by some of the changes in Congress. For one, Barbara Boxer, who wants decisive action on climate change, has taken over the Senate Environment Committee, from James Inhofe, who has been quoted as saying that global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people." Finally, we at least have removed a powerful Senator who wanted to perpetuate the fabricated debate over global warming. The House of Representatives has already passed a bill to eliminate tax breaks for oil production in the U.S. In addition, penalties will be assessed against "firms that refuse to renegotiate the absurdly generous leases the government accidentally granted them in the late 1990s." The article notes that these proceeds could reach $15 billion and would be used to promote alternative energy. This is exactly what the alternative energy market needs to boost its development and technology. It's funny how quickly things can turn around in the energy world when people put their minds to it. Yet, what seems to be the most uphill battle is getting some real global warming legislation passed, to reduce carbon emissions. There are three proposals already on the table, yet there are also filibusters, like Jame Inholfe, waiting in the wings. We all know that even if any of these bills pass through Congress, our current President could use his veto power. Despite his split-second mention of global warming in his recent speech, I see this veto being issued in a flash as well. Let's hope that our next President will be in agreement with these progressive members of Congress as to boosting alternative energy and trying to combat global warming. I'm starting to wish Arnold Schwarzenegger was eligible to run for President.


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