Alternative Energy

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sometimes I actually find conservative commentator, George Will, amusing or even insightful. Yet, after reading his "Inconvenient Kyoto Truths" in the latest issue of Newsweek, I was neither amused nor filled with insight. To me, Mr. Will seems to have the need to carry the conservative view on absolutely everything, even when it makes no sense. His whole attitude towards global warming, for one, is simply ignorant. He still sticks with the line of "[w]e don't know to the extent to which human activity caused" the earth's warming. Isn't this always what the global warming naysayers go back to, even after there is a huge consensus among the scientific community (e.g. the 500 scientific leaders in Paris recently) that human activity has led to climate change? I wonder sometimes if Mr. Will has some ties to a fossil fuel industry, since he seems so opposed to actually pushing alternative energy and doing something about global warming. He is like the flip side of the Chinese foreign minister. As we know, Jiang Yu claims that China is not responsible for global warming because the developed nations like ours have been causing this phenomenon over years and years of industrialization. Mr. Will, meanwhile, states that the U.S. is poweless to change global warming when "every 10 days China fires up a coal-fueled generating plant big enough to power San Diego." The latter claim is true, yet does this excuse us from stopping our own wrongs with our power plant emissions? It's sort of like two children blaming each other for starting something and/or continuing something bad and the parents or teachers throwing out the old adage of "two wrongs don't make a right." When are people like Mr. Yu and Mr. Will going to realize that we can use the blame game into eternity and it won't stop the collapse of our global climate. Alternative energy will at some point no longer be just an alternative but rather, it will be the only long term solution to global warming. How long will it take for Mr. Yu and Mr. Will to see this?


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