Alternative Energy

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I was in Target this morning, perusing the baby aisle for some things I needed. I came across a whole assortment of cups, plates and utensils called "Tossables" and "Take and Toss" (or something to that effect). All of the items were made of plastic and as one label indicated, you could either wash the items out and reuse them or you could just toss them in the trash after one use. To me, these items, which are surely popular, reflected a very disturbing attitude in this country. As I noted in an earlier blog about the disposable Tupperware-type containers that people are now just throwing away--since they've become so cheap--many seem to think that these baby items can be freely dumped in landfills for the sake of convenience. It seems like a huge waste of resources and energy, especially when you consider how these items can be recycled after they are reused numerous times. Why does our society advocate the trashing of our environment to save busy families time, when the time spent to wash out a cup is next to nothing? Given all of the diapers, wipes and other baby items already landing in the trash every day in this country, it seems like we should not be compounding the problem in this fashion. What kind of example are we setting for the next generation when we show them how easily everything can be thrown away, just because we are too lazy to wash something out?


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