Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I was reading in People Magazine how many upscale restaurants are banning bottled water. Instead, some of them will only offer filtered tap water--which is what brands like Dasani already are. The article noted how bottled water is bad for the environment, as 8 out of 10 of the plastic bottles not recycled, will end up clogging our landfills. Add to that, the fact that bottling and transporting water eats up a lot of resources. Further, the bottles themselves are made from petroleum--one more reliance on oil we really don't need. What I find really interesting is that many people don't know or check for the difference between purified water (truly filtered) and spring water, which really could come from anywhere and may not be that pure. Perhaps more people need to pick up the phone and call their local Culligan man--as I did--and place a water filter on the tap and in the refrigerator. The cost of the filter will pay for itself before you know it, given the expense of constantly buying bottled water. The other option is to get a water cooler, like those in many offices, to use at home. Water bottles are very convenient, but they are not good for the environment and they use up a tremendous amount of non-renewable resources. Let's use our tap water rather than driving to the store to pick up water and we can save a lot of energy and space in landfills.


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