Alternative Energy

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

I was reading an article about the drought in Georgia and Governor Sonny Perdue's comments regarding the same. Apparently, water has become so scarce that major cutbacks in water consumption have to be made at a staggering rate. One of the measures he advocated was for residents to use paper plates at least once per week instead of dishes that need to be washed---a "conservation" effort, as he called it. I can see the logic behind not wanting to waste water on dishes, yet I would hardly call using more paper and clogging landfills with tons of paper plates, a "conservation" measure. Obviously, people in Georgia may have no other option at the moment than using paper plates and cups (and plastic cutlery), if water use is to be curbed. Yet, I think the governor should stress that this is a temporary measure to deal with the drought and that the disposable mentality he is impressing upon his state's residents is not the ideal--and that it should be done away with once water levels return to normal.


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