Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I was very excited to hear that a bill mandating that utilities derive 15% of their energy from alternative energy has finally passed the U.S. House. As I recall, the original bill called for a 25% renewable energy requirement, but what was passed, was frankly, more than I expected. I believe the requirement kicks in by 2020 and will purportedly reduce carbon dioxide emissions substantially. I do not fully understand the legislative process, in terms of how the final law will look, and what final revisions may be made, but it is very encouraging news. It sounds like Nancy Pelosi has lived up to her commitment to addressing environmental and energy issues by promoting this legislation. It also sounds like now would be a great time to invest in some alternative energy companies, like solar and wind power generating businesses. With the latest coal mine tragedy in Utah, it really seems like now is the time to wean ourselves off of our coal reliance. Perhaps this law will also lessen our gas and oil demand as well. As one writer put it (whose name I unfortunately do not recall), one day the oil we rely upon so heavily today will be something we read about in history books--like whale oil.


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