Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I was watching "Living with Ed" on HGTV--a very interesting show. One of the people on the show was a green consultant who would visit different homes and advise them on how to make their homes more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. One tip that the lady mentioned was that when recycling plastic, one should always remove the caps and separate them from the bottles. She noted that if the caps are still on the bottles, they will simply be tossed in the trash at the recycling facility. I usually remove the caps but figured that if I left one on, someone would remove it and recycle the bottle. I guess I was wrong. It seems I still have a lot to learn with recycling. One crime I am often guilty of (besides leaving caps on at times) is to put too many things in the recycling bin that are of questionable recycling potential--e.g. styrofoam, etc. I always felt better including the questionable items rather than throwing them away, yet now I am realizing I may have been doing more harm them good. It seems key with recycling that rules need to be pretty strictly followed, to avoid corrupting those items that are easily recycled, with those that are not. By putting too many items in a recycling bin that cannot be readily recycled, the possibility emerges that the integrity of the other items will be disrupted and them will have to be disposed of.


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