Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I was reading in the Evansville Courier & Press about our local utility, Vectren. Vectren has always been closely aligned with the coal industry, but it is starting to move more and more into alternative energy--and should be commended for the same. One of its latest projects is in Johnson City, TN, where its subsidiary (Energy Systems Group) is using methane as a natural gas substitute. According to the article, this project is one of the first in the nation to "use a membrane filtration system to process methane from a landfill and then transport it to a local VA hospital." Given the amount of energy consumed by hospitals, this project seems really innovative. The amount of methane being harnessed in this project is equivalent to the natural gas used in 5,000 homes per year. Although this project will in no way reduce natural gas consumption in the world on a grand scale, it certainly is a start. I am so thrilled to see Vectren start embracing wind power and methane. Now, if we could only get the company more interested in solar power....


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