Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

I was watching ABC News last night regarding the orangutan (sp?) population in Asia. It was heartbreaking to watch these beautiful and intelligent creatures being slaughtered by those involved in deforestation of jungle areas. The reason for much of the deforestation was to clear land for palm oil plants, to be used in food products and biofuels. In other words, in our efforts to create green energy, are we wiping out a species of animals that are distant cousins to humans? The danger with biofuels, including those made from corn and sugarcane, is that they need lots of land to be grown and used for energy. In Brazil, it's a great thing that the nation has become less dependent on foreign oil, but is the Amazon being further threatened by the need to grow more sugarcane crops? We need to balance our desire to wean off foreign oil, with our consideration of how the biofuels will be made and the impact to the environment. Biofuels cannot be considered "green," of forests and species are being decimated in the process of producing them.


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