Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I saw a postal vehicle yesterday that was an official "U.S. Government vehicle." At first glance, it looked like any ordinary SUV, but I then noticed it was a flex-fuel vehicle. I contemplated the significance of flex-fuel in southern Indiana, and at this point, it does not seem very significant. To my knowledge, there is not one E-85 pump in Indiana for a couple of hundred miles from where I reside. Accordingly, these flex-fuel vehicles are almost always running on gasoline--unless they are filled up say in Terre Haute, Indiana, which is at least 2 hours away. I had high hopes for E-85, especially when I saw the ads with young people in corn fields, talking about how ethanol would be clean and free us of our gasoline dependence. Although I still have some high hopes for ethanol, I find it ridiculous that southern Indiana is becoming the hotbed for ethanol production--which does aggravate our already bad air pollution problems--yet still fails to carry any E-85 pumps. Shouldn't people in the area be able to consume the product that is being produced locally? Why are we producing something, only to ship it far away--very likely in gasoline or diesel-run trucks?? Hopefully, if the ethanol craze continues, ethanol will be sold where it is made, along with places more distant from the production site. Perhaps the trucks that will ship the ethanol from our local ethanol plants can then go to a filling station, fill up on ethanol and then pick up more ethanol to be shipped out-of-town or even, out-of-state.


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