Alternative Energy

This website is a forum for sharing ideas on alternative energy.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sometimes I get a little annoyed at people who claim to be very religious, yet refuse to recycle or take any steps to help the environment. If you believe that God created the world, then why wouldn't you want to take care of it? Finally, some churches are starting to tout the importance of energy conservation and being "green." One case in point is a church in Texas, which was consuming $250,000.00 worth of energy monthly before. The lead pastor arranged a more efficient use of the church's buildings and taught staff the importance about turning off lights and computers--simple stuff, really. Other faiths getting into the "green" act are the Quakers, the Jains, and the Episcopalians. Given the vastness of many churches and the waste of resources that occurs when these huge buildings are left powered virtually all the time, even when empty, some radical changes--even if fairly obvious--seem appropriate.


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